Misty Blunch, Full Stack Developer

Doglover, technology, music and art enthusiast.

In 2017, before starting college, I had my first approach in the world of Software development after taking some online courses and attending workshops from various organizations.
Over time I gained more experience and lost the fear of learning and exploring new technologies. Currently I am a Full Stack developer with more than 2 years of experience and I am dedicated to improve my skills in software development and share what I learn.
In my free time I like to go out with my dog Emma for walks, ride my scooter, go to tech and pet events, watch movies, go to fairs and above all listen to music.

      Designed on the fly from my mind and taking as reference Brittany Chiang's portfolio and angular.dev's site. Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, deployed with Vercel and programmed in VS Code. All texts have typeface Inter.